Books about Writing Science Fiction
In addition to reading and watching science fiction and fantasy I like to create my own stories. This is something that i have been doing for years and truly enjoy. In those years I have read many books on the subject, but most writing books aren't written with the science fiction author in mind and so while there may be some good advice there is plenty that simply isn't relivent and thing that the science fiction author needs to know that arn't mentioned.
if you want to avoid the literary snobbery of some books on writing as well as get advice that is relivent to writing science fiction and fantasy here are a few books worth picking up.
1> Steven King's: On Writing
There is far less actual writing advice in this book than you might expect but don't let that deter you. This is a book about creativity with plenty of ideas about writing as well. If you're not interested in books of rules about writing but want to send some time with someone who knows about it then pick up On Writing.
2> The Craft of Writing Science Fiction that Sells by Ben Bova
This book teaches writing through the four basic points of storytelling, character, conflict, background and plot. But what this does truly well is give you questions to ask and examples of Ben Bova's work that shows how he does this. This is a book that will help you read every book you read with a writer's eye and that will help make every book a writing book.
3> Writer's Guide to Creating a Science Fiction Universe, by George Ochoa and Jeffrey Osier
This is a book about creating worlds and ideas more than about writing. Each chapter focuses on an aspect of creating a world that is important to consider. From orbits and ecosystems to technology this book will help to ensure that you don't miss anything vital when creating a world.
4> Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity
A classic writing tells about writing. If you like Ray Bradbury's work then you'll enjoy this well written book and you'll learn something both about how to write and about Bradbury himself.