Skin Game by Jim Butcher Fantasy ReviewsElton GahrMay 1, 2014Dresden Files, wizard, urban fantasyComment
Selkie Stories are for Losers by Sofie Samatar Fantasy ReviewsElton GahrApril 26, 2014blogging the hugos, selkieComment
The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere by John Chu Science Fiction ReviewsElton GahrApril 23, 2014blogging the hugos, john chuComment
Captain America: Winter Soldier Questions Movie Review, Comic Book ReviewElton GahrApril 6, 2014black widow, dr strange, marvel studios, superheroes, the falcon, captain AmericaComment
Review: Bow Shock by Gregory Benford Science Fiction ReviewsElton GahrMarch 26, 2014gregory benford, the best of jim baer's universeComment
Review: The Girl with the Killer Eyes by B. B. Kristopher Science Fiction ReviewsElton GahrMarch 21, 2014b. b. kristopher, superheroes, the best of jim baer's universeComment
Review: Dog Soldier by Garth Nix Science Fiction ReviewsElton GahrMarch 20, 2014anthology, the best of jim baer's universeComment
Nora's Song by Cecelia Holland (Dangerous Women Anthology) Fantasy ReviewsElton GahrDecember 19, 2013Cecelia Holland, dangerous women, historic fictionComment
A Few Scene Notes on The Desolation of Smaug Elton GahrDecember 17, 2013hobbit, jrr tolkin, smaug Comment
My Heart is Either Broken, by Megan Abbott (From Dangerous Women) Fantasy ReviewsElton GahrDecember 16, 2013dangerous women, megan abbott Comments
Review: Some Desperado from Joe Abercrombie (From Dangerous Women) Fantasy ReviewsElton GahrDecember 10, 2013Joe Abercrombi, dangerous women, short story, westernComment
Is Castle Now a Science Fiction Series? TV ReviewElton GahrOctober 22, 2013Chuck, Nathan fillion, Star Trek, castle, gomez, morgan grimes, tim russComment
Superman: Man of Steel and Superman Vs. The Elite Comic Book Review, Movie ReviewElton GahrJuly 5, 2013Superman, DC universe, DC comicsComment
Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Avatar Part 1 and 2 (Deep Space 9 Season 8) Science Fiction Reviews, TV ReviewElton GahrMay 16, 2013Star Trek, deep space 9Comment
Iron Man 3: On The Mandarin Movie Review, Comic Book ReviewElton GahrMay 10, 2013comic books, iron manComment
TV Show Review: Revolution Science Fiction Reviews, TV ReviewElton GahrMay 1, 2013revolution, post appocolipsComment
Fringe, Series Finale: An Enemy of Fate TV ReviewElton GahrJanuary 20, 2013Walter Bishop, fringeComment
Dr. Who's New Companion, Clara Oswin Oswald TV Review, Science Fiction ReviewsElton GahrJanuary 13, 201311th doctor, Clara, Dr. Who, Oswald, OswinComment